Sunday, April 22, 2012

Real People.

One Good Woman by Cherie Call on Grooveshark

One Good Woman by Cherie Call

Mary Chilton never knew what the salty winds would do
When she stepped aboard and sailed away on a 1620 autumn day
At Plymouth Rock she was the first to touch dry ground
But she became an orphan when the winter came and the tears fell down
But she grew, and married a good man
And they had eleven children
And they would never understand what she'd been through but they knew 
That a girl of just thirteen 
Crossed one big ocean 
And that she grew up to be
One good woman

And Polly Angel didn't know what the hands of time would show
When she dressed in white and said, "I do" in the fall of 1832
Her life would change that very year forever more
When they heard the message of two strangers at their door they headed west
And Polly had six children, but only two survived
And they could never understand what she'd been through
But they knew that a woman of great faith
Crossed one big country
And that they were being raised 
By one good woman

There they are, written in the spaces of a family tree
Till it all comes down to me

I know that I can never say that I'm the only one who's prayed 
For pain to end or love to last or for time not to go by so fast
But it will fly and in a hundred years from now
Will there ever be someone who reads my name and wonders
If I laughed
Or if I believed in Jesus
Or if my heart were ever broken
They may never understand what I go through
But I will live the best that I know how
For one big lifetime
It's not too much to ask
Of one good woman


     To forget one’s ancestors is to be a brook without a source, a tree without a root. 
(Chinese Proverb)

I know I've shared the following quote before, but I love what President Gordon B. Hinckley said about remembering the pioneers...

“I will never get over being thankful to them; I hope you never get over being thankful to them. I hope that we will always remember them. . . . Let us read again and again, and read to our children or our children’s children, the accounts of those who suffered so much.”
- Gordon B. Hinckley  

Joseph Smith said that "The greatest responsibility in this world that God has laid upon us is to seek after our dead." Just remember while doing genealogy... That those people are not just names on a page. 

They really lived and breathed.
They quarreled with their siblings
They fell in love.
They worked for their families.
They were homemakers.
They played with their kids.
They burnt dinner.
They laughed and goofed off.

It's hard for us to imagine sometimes... but when you research your family history or do ordinances for those who have died... try to picture them. 

...I'll bet that they're up there with a smile on their face, so grateful to you for completing the work they couldn't finish while on the earth. 

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